Black Heritage Riders -The Journey of A Modern African American Pioneer
Vol. II

Manhattan, New York- Los Angeles, California,    Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No. 848
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New York Commentary

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Miles Dean on his horse SankofaThe 1500's began the period of exploration from Europe to the Americas. Sailboat captains (financed by the wealthy) began their quest to connect with those land areas that would provide them with the goods they felt would improve the quality of life for the Kingdoms they served. Their journey took them to Turtle Island.

  1. Who were the people of Turtle Island?
  2. What was their cultural identity?
  3. When, where, and why did their holocaust begin?
  4. How are they remembered and treated some 500 years later?

Welcome in joining us on a 6,000 mile, 181 day trek on horseback across the nation. We will start in Manhattan in New York City at the African American Burial ground. From there we will ride through New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington, DC, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, finally arriving in California.

Keep abreast of our adventure through the blog, the photo gallery, newspaper accounts, and short video interviews.

Upturned horseshoes on wood for good luckAgain we say, "Welcome ... to the journey."